Physical Therapy
After surgery or an illness your or your loved one may require physical therapy to help regain strength and mobility. Following your doctor's order, our therapists are able to provide :
Occupational Therapy
You or your loved one may require occupational therapy to improve function of daily tasks. Our occupational therapists work with upper extremity injuries to maximize independence and as close to optimal functioning. They will help you or your loved one recover and improve the skills needed for activities of daily living. Area of focus are bathing, dressing, hygiene, upper extremity function, meal preparation, cognitive training, and household tasks.
Our therapist will also:
Speech Therapy
After surgery, stroke or trauma, you or your loved one may need therapy to facilitate communication or manage swallowing disorders. This often involves retraining the person in breathing, swallowing and muscle control. We also provide training to family members to allow better treatment synergy.
Our speech therapist will: